who's fault was it anyway????

Posted Monday, November 8, 2010 by catherine
            Sometimes, people just can't get enough of the feeling of being respected. Others try to abuse such values and think high of themselves. Hey guys, don't tell me you are putting yourself up the pedestal?

            A lot complain about people who have attitude problems; but whose fault is it anyway? Whenever they can't seem to grasp someones's behavior or if others' attitude can't suit them, they are using the long abused phrase or term called "ATTITUDE PROBLEM".

            To get things over and done with, let's see the side of the circle. If anyone happens to unlike everyone's behaviour then it might not be everyone's fault then. See? The problem is that there are just some people who can't seem to adjust to different characteristics. Well in that case, I strongly advise such people to live in a cave. If they can't bend with others, why not live without them? Try to live in a ghost town or perhaps go out of space.

             We are living in a huge world. There are billions of people and God made everyone unique. So it is understandable that there are also billions of different individual personalities smothering the world mayo. If you can't bear to get along with everybody then make your own world to live in--with you and people like you who can't understand the word "DIFFERENCE".

             I hope that one day, those people will realize how awful it is to live with folks so much similar to them--a clone perhaps.

           Mingle. Love. Understand. Tell the Truth. Don't be scared. God will protect you.


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