If ever I am nowhere to be seen, just think of me as your reverie.
For the last months, it have been so hard to sleep. I can't clarify why. I really want to leave, to start a life anew, meet new friends--run away from everything that is smothering me here. It's just so hard to accept the fact that those things you want to runaway from are the things you know you would never live without. I am torn; between leaving Dumaguete, my friends and the life I had started to establish, and with the hunger to be free--to gasp the air of freedom, freedom from the consequences of my acts. I just can't help but be sorry for all that would be wasted but I really tried to fight, but i was too weak to go on,, and so I am planning to leave--by all means.
I am so sorry to those people who trusted me so much. I never meant to fail you as much as I did fail myself. This has never been better, hope you all understand. It has always been hard--very hard.
As of today, March 28, 2010, I am still not sure of what is ahead of me--still not sure. Maybe next week I am already inhaling the fresh air of Zamboanga--0r--I'll be finding myself queuing up for the enrollment--I still don't know.
But one thing's for sure, whatever might happen, it is for the best (at least so).
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